Glamorgan County Cricket Club is hosting special matches through the night during the Muslim month of Ramadan. Thousands of people from Cardiff’s Muslim community will be fasting in daylight hours. The indoor games at Sophia Gardens will begin after the fast is broken. Cricket is played indoors at midnight. This game is played with a soft ball wrapped in tape which makes it quicker and louder.
Diverse Communities development officer Mojeid Ilyas thinks that the opportunity to play at night suits a lot of people during Ramadan.

It allows people who are fasting to play the sport they enjoy. Being able to go to the stadium late at night just makes it easier for them.”
Mark Frost development manager of Glamorgan and Cricket Wales says this tournament may bring talent to Wales Cricket

We are constantly on the lookout for good talent and naturally we start with younger children and people that we’ve never even come across for some reason or another. If they shine you know we will have a look at them and then bring them into the academy.
Four teams will take part in this tournament and each team will play three matches and the results of these matches will decide the finalists of the tournament. This tournament has four sessions in the whole month of Ramadan and the first session will be on the 4th of March this year.