Immersive Travel Experience in Virtual Reality

Immersive media has been gaining prominence and interest in the public eye as of the past decade, delivering unique experiences painstakingly tailored to suit the needs of their audience.  Although most popularly known for its contributions to the entertainment industry, immersive media has been slowly integrated into other professional fields in recent years; proposals have been suggested for the healthcare and retail sector, for example, focusing on delivering a realistic simulation without physical contact or risk.

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A mock forest environment.

This immersive project aims to bring this experience into the educational sector; a fresh opportunity designed for students to further engross themselves in their lessons. Taking the place of physical field trips and utilizing virtual reality technology, users will be able to travel around the globe to freely explore structures, landscapes and locations; switching from the classroom to the iconic Colosseum, a bubbling lava lake or a quaint seaside town in just under a few minutes. Perfect for subjects such as History, Geography or Languages, learning no longer has to stay confined in the same four walls of the classroom and instead be visualized as a three-dimensional, fully immersive experience. Alternatively, teachers can more effectively engage students and provide interactive examples of their content within a controlled environment, maintaining order and safety throughout the lesson without the extra trouble.

A mock desert environment.

This is an especially relevant project in current times as educational institutions are constantly trying to integrate new technology into original learning opportunities for their students, as well as helping to address the current fears and restrictions surrounding physical travel amidst the current global pandemic.