Tabby Down- Queen: Life and Times.

Throughout recent popular media history, the musical biopic has been seen to have the power to give a mainstream resurgence to many historically iconic artists. By taking what modern and younger audiences may have been unaware of and putting it on the big screen, new audiences as well as older ones (present at the original peak of said artist) are reintroduced to an artist, and a new interest/ appreciation is ignited. “Artists have realised that backing biopics and celebratory movies is a way of reaffirming their cultural relevance and opening new revenue streams as traditional incomes from record sales are on the wane” (Simpson, D. 2019). This immersive experience will contribute to this reaffirmation of cultural relevance for the band ‘Queen’ following on from the success of the 2018 Freddie Mercury/ Queen biopic ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. The cultural significance of this will be evident through it being located as part of an exhibit in an art museum (either the Museum of Modern Art or Victoria & Albert Museum, both of which have had music related exhibitions previously). Within the museum/ gallery space, through the immersive and enlightening avenue of a VR headset, you shall find yourself inside a corridor full of Queen paraphernalia, each door leading you to a different iconic moment from the history of Queen; from being in the audience of the Live Aid performance, to stepping directly into one of their many memorable music videos. This shall be the ‘Queen: Life and Times’ immersive experience.