VR application for interview training

New chance to training your interview skill

One of the most exciting emerging technologies of the moment is virtual reality. Whether you are walking through an art museum thousands of miles from home or swooping down into a volcano, virtual reality offers users an amazing experience. For many young people, technology is a natural part of life. One potential area of virtual reality applications that has recently received hungry attention is the use of virtual reality to prepare students for job interviews. In the past recent college graduates lacked interview experience and often relied on text-only presentation models and basic training methods. After doing some market research, we realised that up to 74% of people suffer from language anxiety and we could create an exciting product to help millions of people. It became apparent that there was no decent way to practice this activity, current methods include talking in front of a mirror or paying for expensive coaching sessions on interview skills.

Therefore, it is necessary to explore new and more effective ways of communicating and training with young job seekers and the job and interview experience that accrues through virtual experience. Virtual reality is a potentially powerful tool that can change the way in which mirrors have been used in the past to practice interviews and give students more confidence to face future interviews.

Practice makes perfect

Preparation for a virtual interview can help students master many different situations for a job interview. For example, it allows them to give a presentation in front of a large audience before giving a real presentation for the first time. This experience helps the user to become familiar with it.

Enhancement through VR experience

The more a user practices, the more his communication skills will improve. With virtual reality, users can practice and answer tough interview questions in a safe place at their own pace for as long as they need to.

A growing market

The use of VR for interview training is a new area. There are already many apps released on the market for education, training and strong interest received from universities and training companies, which strengthens our determination to continue along the educational path.