1.1 Problem statement

Have you ever struggled to find a career you want to work in? Currently, the statistics are devasting, suggesting that three-quarters of students aged 11–13-year-olds get no official career advice, with poorer children being twice as likely to be out of work later in life (Weale, 2019). This lack of career support means individuals struggle to make informed decisions about their education and career paths, becoming a significant barrier to success. More career advice could prevent job rejections and dissatisfaction, helping children make smart decisions about their work and education (Dobrow and Tosti-Kharas, 2012). To address the problem above, we propose Job Smart, a VR job simulator which was created to achieve a career-smart generation.

1.2 Proposed solution

Job Smart is a high-quality VR simulator that allows users to explore a range of different job scenarios/experiences. The platform is designed to help people discover the best career for them, becoming a time-efficient and fun immersive experience. This design pack will discuss version 1 of the simulator, which will focus on jobs in the creative sector. Used both to entertain and inform, this version of the VR simulator will explore 5 different roles in the creative industries to help children choose what they would like to work in, later in life. Over time, expansion packs will be developed, with new editions released that will explore different job sectors like medicine and sports.

To achieve this, the game will include features and unique selling points like:

• Story worlds with detailed storylines, including linear narrative structures

• Interactive elements to create engaging but informative gameplay

• Advice on where best to find more career information off the game

Job Smart’s value proposition is shown through its authentic career advice experience, replicating ideas of real-life work experience through digital technology. We believe this will create a successful and innovative experience which will create a new wave of career-motivated individuals.

  1. I really like the idea of exploring potential careers and finding out more in an immersive storytelling format. The benefits are potentially that young people can make more informed choices in their academic pursuits that better align with the career they are interested in.
    My questions are, is this computer generated, as in a gamified experience? Or will it be 360 video material of real-life scenarios? Also, would your target user base really benefit from career ‘advice’ at this point in their academic journey? Many are only focused on getting to A-Levels (or equivalent) at this stage.

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