This follows the relief of lockdown restrictions across Wales.

Good news for bookworms. Libraries and hubs in Cardiff have reopened for browsing bookshelves to their members from this week as lockdown restrictions continue to be eased.
There are plenty of people who want to get back inside Cardiff’s libraries. On the reopening day of Cardiff Central Library, people queue outside the building waiting for their turns. It’s the first time bookworms have been let inside since March last year. Now they have to book a twenty five minute slot to pick their books. Rahim Laban, a member of Cardiff Central Library, says that he is excited and made his appointment as soon as he heard the news.

Each slot is available for only one person unless accompanied by a child or carer. Children over 11 are allowed to to book an appointment to browse their books on their own. All visitors with pre-arranged slots need to follow social distancing measures and one-way system with face coverings once they enter the building. The libraries have taken enhanced cleaning measures at the building to help keep staff and members safe.
As the library stated in their website, members can still continue to use the library line or online system to choose and arrange collection of items as part of the Click and Collect Book Service.
Slots can be booked online or by contacting the library line on 029 2087 1071. More information can be found on the website of Cardiff Council