Cardiff Taxi Drivers Protest Against Compulsion to Upgrade Vehicles

Cardiff based taxi drivers are protesting against Cardiff Council’s decision to remove restrictions on the number of electric cars allowed to work in the city.

The taxi drivers have been protesting against the council’s decision to remove any restriction on the number of electric vehicles allowed to work in the city.

The Union representing the drivers, Unite Wales says that the driver with older vehicles will be massively affected, making it tough for them make a living and holding them back from investing in new greener vehicles.

According to Cardiff Council’s website, the council is proposing changes to licensing conditions for all the applications submitted for new vehicle licenses. As per the new taxi licensing policy, the vehicle should meet Euro 6 standards and the age of the vehicle should be 5-years-old or below.

Drivers using older diesel fueled vehicles will be able to buy new vehicles but keep their current license.

Akhlak Ahmed, one of the taxi drivers protesting against the move, says, “Cardiff council are planning to open the cap (new applications for licenses) up again, which was stopped few years back. The reason why we ask for this is because we did massive demonstration against it because it is causing massive destruction for the rank and for ourselves for the income. Now, it will be over way too much of taxis.”

Unite Wales in its statement asks “How are poorer drivers expected to have funds to purchase these in an already oversaturated market?