The New LGBTQ+ Action Plan Has Been Published by the Welsh Government

This plan aims to make Wales a nation where everyone feels safe to be themselves and make it easier to change gender for trans people.

Following Scotland, the Welsh government set themselves to negotiate with the UK government about demanding to take over gender recognition laws in Wales. Wales has become the second country among the UK that seeks trans rights reforms.

According to the Deputy Minister for social partnership Hannah Blythyn, this plan is a significant step towards creates a truly inclusive, diverse and equal Wales and shows the Welsh government’s ambition for Wales to be the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe.

Hannah Blythyn (centre) photo: @WelshGovernment

There are total 46 action plans in ranges of improving health, education, social care, safety to promoting community cohesion and more The Action Plan was first introduced back in 2021 in draft format. “This plan has been prepared for 3 years. It was accomplished by the Welsh government working with members from LGBTQ+ community, individuals and other organisations”, says Hannah.

Aria Romna, is a Welsh queer who works at Cardiff’s Queer Emporium shop in Royal Arcade. She says this plan makes her feel safer, more famine and proud of who she is. Especially the Action Plan guarantees trans and queer people a more equal medical care circumstance.

This plan shows commitment to defending the rights, equality and dignity of trans and non-binaray people. Plaid Cymru are backing the government’s plan.

Hannah Blythyn and Aria Romna talking to Cardiff News Plus