Laminated Council planning notice ‘been on lampost since 2017’, claims litter action group

Cardiff Council has been accused of failing to remove old laminated planning notices that are tied to trees or lamp posts. 

The notices are planning applications that the council legally has to put up to notify residents of any upcoming or proposed plans. 

They should be collected by Cardiff Council within two weeks after the application has closed – a procedure the Council says it observes.

However, Kevin Russell, chairman of the Pontprennau Clean and Green group, says this isn’t always happening and he has found some that date back to 2017.

“It’s laminated and it’s plastic”

Mr Russell expressed his anger at Cardiff Council over the weekend after litter picking in Pontprennau.

“Why can’t they collect the rubbish? It’s laminated and it’s plastic. It’s not going anywhere,” said Mr Russell.

Mr Russell was told by Cardiff Council that due to the pandemic they were not able to clear some notices but he finds this frustrating as the council is still able to put these notices up when new plans are proposed.

“I understand Covid is an issue, but I’ve found notices that date back to 2017. So obviously this was a problem before Covid,” he says.

Single-use plastic is a major issue in today’s society. Litter pickers like Mr Russell feel that although Cardiff Council is notified of laminated notices that are not cleared, nothing is ever done.

“It’s a minor thing, but it’s annoying. Then I go out and collect 17 bags of rubbish on behalf of the council. But I would imagine they say I’m just a nuisance.”