Cyfle Cymru is a peer mentoring service that helps participants who are in recovery from substance misuse or mental health problems to overcome barriers to education, training or employment.
The scheme started in 2023 and is funded by the Welsh Government. The programme, which is the only Wales-wide service of its kind, is collaborating with the Crisp Packet Project (CPP) to make emergency foil blankets for homeless people and the elderly in Cardiff this winter.
Founders of CPP in Hastings delivered a virtual tutorial on blanket-making for volunteers within Cyfle Cymru as they prepare for the high demand this winter.
According to the Ministry of Justice, only 30.4% of those released from custody were employed 6 months after their release in 2023.
Danielle John, the team leader for Cyfle Cymru Cardiff and the Vale says, “Criminal records make it near enough impossible for them to go on and get a job”.
She claims that unemployed ex-offenders are being overlooked for jobs and Cyfle Cymru provide 140 work related training courses that will boost their chance for future employability.
The team lead of Cyfle Cymru Cardiff and the Vale says more can be done to change the perspective of employers.
Employers will be encouraged to take on people recovering from substance misuse. Cyfle Cymru have recently hired an employer liaison officer to develop relationships with employers across Wales with the aim of securing employment opportunities for participants.

Marcus Murphy, 43, an ex-drug user, says Cyfle Cymru has played a huge part in him turning away from a life of substance abuse.
“I’ve got involved with Cyfle (Cymru), and they’ve given me qualifications and opportunities to turn my life around,” said Mr Murphy.
He added, “I’ll be honest, I’ve (used) every service under the sun to get to the point I’m at today. I’d like to give back to the community what I’ve had for all these years”.