the BBC moved into overdrive to cover every aspect of the story to deliver on its remit of public journalism. However, anti-vaccine conspiracy accounts grew continuously by nearly 50 per cent over the year.
Covid-19 arrived at a time when western governments had seen a surge in populist politics. Leaders who did not want to be seen getting the jab told voters not to listen to experts.
type that affect the emotional well-being of its practitioners. What are these challenges and what impact can it have on the British society?
A man’s journey from monogamy, through cheating, to honest non-monogamy and a life of multiple lovers in a time when few had heard of Polyamory.
With an increase in polyamory subscribers in the United Kingdom, the question arises - how has the happily ever after changed?
To curb the endless swearing between celebrity fans on social media, what really needs to happen?
Fans always behave politely when they meet others in person. What makes a seemingly normal person switch to an abusive online persona?
Many fans have abusive behaviour for supporting celebrities. So are celebrities partly responsible for driving this anti-social abuse online?
Why is fans offensive behaviour such a problem on China’s social media platforms?
China’s SRB has hit a record low in the last 20 years. Does this reflect the real change of the...
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“Help brother demon” is asked to provide financial support to their brother unconditionally. Why are adult independent women’s life still...