Microbreweries dominate at the Real Ale Wobble

Microbreweries will be providing most of the beverages at this year’s Real Ale Wobble.

Over 150 real ales will be available to sample during the mid-Wales mountain-biking event and most are from Welsh microbreweries.

Real Ales in Cardiff

Experimental ales from local microbreweries are proving popular in pubs across Cardiff.

Independent microbreweries are fast outperforming corporate breweries due to recent tax breaks and their emphasis on craft.

Organiser and owner of hosting hotel The Neuadd Arms, Lindsay Ketteringham, says, “The Neuadd Arms will be offering around 60 different real ales, from 17 or 18 breweries, all of which are Welsh. With the possible exception of Felinfoel Brewery in Llanelli, they are all microbreweries, some of whom have been brewing for less than a year.”

The Wobble runs from 16 to 17 November as part of the Mid-Wales Beer Festival, which is celebrating its 30th year.