Trike serves up coffee on the move

People are enjoying their coffee on the streets of Cardiff from the city’s first coffee trike.

bike bar Cardiff

The bike bar is based at the Castle Emporium on Womanby Street from lunchtime onwards every week day. Photo credit: Handlebar Barista.

Handlebar Barista sells hot drinks from a coffee machine attached to a bicycle.

The idea was formed when three friends saw the trikes on a cycling trip in Copenhagen.

“We thought it could work really well in Cardiff”, said one of the trio, Chris Garrett. “So we brought the idea back.”

bike bar Cardiff

Handlebar Barista can be hired for events including charities and food festivals. Photo credit: Handlebar Barista

The bike bar is an ice cream trike that was bought by the trio on Ebay and was re-built by Punk Bikes.

The café bar was launched in May 2015 and has seen a great success in the city.

“People now expect us to arrive most days”, said Mr Garrett, “and they can treat themselves to a nice coffee.”

bike bar Cardiff

The bike bar has received a lot of attention whilst around Cardiff, including comedian Rhod Gilbert. Photo credit: Handlebar Barista