Spooky halloween workshop at Artspace

Artspace Cardiff provides art classes with professional guidance for all abilities. This Art group has a new event that will take place later this month.

A new workshop that celebrates all things ghostly.

A spooky still life and pumpkin carving workshop at Artspace Cardiff will be held on 28 October in the Artspace studio ten minutes from the city centre.

The event includes mastering the art of pumpkin carving with stencilled designs, led by a professional tutor.

This workshop offers spooky still life using different medias such as watercolour, acrylic and pencil.

Skulls, candles, old books, and potion bottles will feature in the drawings.

Owner and tutor Kate Broadhurst at work

Artspace was opened a year ago by Kate Broadhurst, 29, an artist, from Grangetown.

Her business has grown, developing from sparse monthly workshops to daily events. The Artspace is located in Meanwhile House, ten minutes from the city centre.

Owner of Artspace and course tutor, Kate has a wide ranging background in art and offers a variety of options on her courses for people to try out.

Hugh Jones, 50, from Radyr described the workshops as a really nice space, with a great atmosphere.

Hugh said “the workshops are great and people clearly love them”.

The workshop aims to get people to try something new and creative in a relaxed, intimate environment.

Kate said, “I don’t want to teach people to paint and draw how I do, that would be boring,” instead the workshop focuses on developing individual styles.

Kate’s philosophy is “there is no right or wrong” in art. The new themed session is a different way to get into the Halloween spirit and Kate stressed that pumpkin carving is a lot of fun to do.

An Artspace regular, Emma Jarrett, 28, of Roath, described the courses as a lot of fun, and was interested in the halloween class and unique notion of spooky still life.

Tickets cost £25 to participate.

