Local Residents are Annoyed by Road Works Near Llandaff

The roadworks linking Llantrisant Road and the Clos Parc Radur estate are still not finished after eighteen months. Local people are unhappy because it’s causing a lot of inconvenience.

The roadworks started in 2021. They include a new intersection near Heol Rufus and a new footpath.

Road works

These works were scheduled to be substantially completed by mid-December 2021.

The prolonged construction has caused much inconvenience to the residents of Clos Parc Radur.

The entrance to Clos Parc Radur

Eszter Acuity is a resident in this community. He says the prolonged construction has caused noise problems, especially when he was working or on weekends off.

Eszter Acuity

Lan Parfitt is a road construction specialist with 30 years of experience. He is also a resident of the Clos Parc Radur community and he says the road construction has made the traffic in this area worse but there is noting he can do about it.

Lan Parfitt

Tegid Roberts, is a resident in Clos Parc Radur community. He says:” The road construction has been going on for many many months now and it doesn’t seem to be any end to it.

“There are a lot of temporary traffic lights that slow the journeys down. And also, when you tried to get onto the main road, it can be quite precarious because the turns are very abrupt and the visibility is poor.”

The manager of this Llantrisant road construction, Anthony Cabble, says : “There’s a significant amount of work that’s being an undertaken. We will deliver a better and more usable road scheme for residents once it’s finished, but I do understand the frustration of residents. ”

Anthony Cabble

Anthony also says they’ve got a huge team of people here trying to plan this work as efficiently and so quickly as possible. Everything they do is approve by their client retro and approved by Cardiff Council.