Cardiff Coucil and the Police and Crime Commissioner have installed more CCTV cameras, to protect Adamsdown from crime and anti-social behaviour.
The programme is intended to crack down on neighbourhood crimes such as drug dealing, prostitution, burglary and robbery.

The Police and Crime Commissioner says the plan is having a positive impact on crime.
Cllr Lynda Thorne, Cardiff Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, said the programme is “to provide the local police with much-needed evidence and intelligence to target criminal-related activity.”
Kurdo Glaly works for Deliveroo. He supports the plan.
“There was only one CCTV on this road next to the police station. Sometimes whenever something happened, the police would go to that corner to ask for CCTV footage, that’s a shame,” Mr Glaly said. “They should get more CCTV cameras.”
Even though people living nearby Clifton Street are very supportive, other voices point out that it’s not enough.

Paul Donett has lived in this area for three years, he said: ” Any crime should be taken more serious, more things need to be done.”
Chante Brown is a local resident,. She says the Government doesn’t focus enough on children.
“The kids find other motivations, they find it easier to make money on the street, because they don’t have a role model to look up to. So instead, they look up to the money, the fast life, and then they go and commit drugs.” Miss Brown said.