Plans for The Museum of Cardiff to Close and be Turned into a Mobile Attraction

Members of the historical society and visitors have voiced strong opposition to plans to close a Cardiff museum

According to the city’s draft budget last December, The Museum of Cardiff will be closed and converted into a mobile attraction to save money. The plan was slammed by the historical society.

The Museum of Cardiff is located in the Old Library building on the Hayes in Cardiff city centre. It opened in 2011. The museum’s collection of 3,000 objects and Cardiff-related art facts highlights Cardiff’s unique and rich history, including its Roman colonial past and its history as the world’s largest coal export port.

Jane Davies is a member of the Cardiff Historical Society. She says the plan is a bad idea because it fails to consider the entire population of Cardiff and the museum’s role as an effective and immediate educational venue.

“The council does not think enough about future generation, and museums are places that can provide education for younger generation,” Jane says.

Jane Davies

Kevin Richmond, a visitor from Barry, says that he would be very disappointed if the plan comes true, as it means he will lose the opportunity to explore more about this city.

“It would be a pity if the museum will be closed because it provide visitors an opportunity to know more about this city.”

Kevin Richmond

Frank Holloway teaches A Level history. He has been volunteering at the museum for five years.

He says the closure is very frustrating because if the museum becomes a mobile attraction, it will lead to most of the artifacts being placed in storage.

“The museum provides a place for visitors from all over the world or those who have not been back to Cardiff for a long time to remember their city.”

Frank Holloway

Discussions over the planned closure of the museum are due to continue.