Protest Erupts in Cardiff Over Plans to Privatize St. David’s Hall

Cardiff Council is currently facing a dilemma over the future of St David’s Hall, the famous concert hall located in the city centre. The council is currently debating the possibility of handing over the running of the hall to the Academy Music Group.

This has led to public opposition and a peaceful protest had been arranged at Cardiff City Hall on December 6th 2022. The protest coincided with an extraordinary meeting of the council to discuss the plans.

St. David’s Hall

Campaigners say that the privatization of the hall would result in a significant loss of diversity in arts programming in the city. The hall has been an important cultural hub for the community and has played host to a variety of musical, theatrical, and artistic events. They say the loss of the venue to a private company would be a blow to the cultural scene in Cardiff.

But the council faces a significant budget deficit of £53 million for the coming year and they say the hall’s £700,000 annual subsidy, along with the costs of upkeep and repairs make it financially untenable in the current climate.

The council wants to lease the hall to Academy Music Group, which is part-owned by Live Nation. That company already operates the Motorpoint Arena and will also operate the planned new music arena in Cardiff Bay.

A petition opposing the plans has received more than 19,000 signatures.

The December demonstration was organized by the Cardiff Peoples’ Assembly, a city-wide group that campaigns against austerity cuts and privatization. The protest aimed to persuade councillors to vote against the plans and keep the hall in public ownership.

The final decision on any leasing agreement will require a Cabinet report following public consultation as part of the Council’s budget setting process.