Trees That Were Vandalized in 2021 Have Been Replanted

Local community worked collaboratively to replanted 50 trees like Orchards and Cherry tree in Cardiff’s Bute Park.

The project is the outcome of a community-led movement that was started after vandalism in September 2021 which damaged property worth thousands of pounds.

More than 50 trees at Bute Park were damaged by anonymous vandals. Some of the trees had been planted in remembrance of those who had perished in the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Replanted trees in Bute park

More than £9000 has been raised for this ongoing project, which has enabled the community to plant new tree species and secure them with tree guards, in which some are cherry trees, given from Japan.

According to Rachel Davis, a ranger at Bute Park, all memory trees have been replanted in accordance with the wishes of the persons who originally planted them, and they are pleased with the results.

Ms Davis said, ” It was very heartening to see that the community, council and all people who love this park came together to raise funds and replant trees”

The Secret Garden Café in Bute Park, owned by Melissa Boothman, also contributed £5,000 through their café business for the replanting of the orchard.

Tree guards are being placed

Cardiff Council said that it is making efforts to make people feel secure while in the park and has introduced a park ranger patrolling group and CCTV at park entrances and exits in order to safeguard Bute Park from any further such incidents.

In addition to that Cardiff council recently declared that money from its Safer Streets program would be used to increase public safety promotion.

A 24/7 help-point where individuals may speak with municipal security teams will be established at the Summerhouse café in Bute Park as part of the plans.

Rachel Davis, Ranger, Bute Park