Council ‘too slow’ with consultation letters on speeding measures

RESIDENTS on Lansdowne Road feel let down because they weren’t warned soon enough about potential speed calming measures to the road.

Locals have been calling on the council to make changes to reduce speeding for months but now they are facing another problem. Changes are being proposed but some residents were not notified until last Friday about a consultation phase that started three weeks ago.

Some residents say that the first they heard about the plans and the consultation process was from neighbours living on a nearby street.

Sarah Crosbie, a resident on Lansdowne Road explained: ‘The first thing that some of us heard of was from my neighbour’s friend who lives on a side road saying that she’d received a letter through her door a few weeks ago.

‘My neighbour was understandably quite upset because why are they receiving information that doesn’t directly affect them when these proposals are supposed to happen right outside our door so it’s been very frustrating.’

The council has now extended the consultation phase to this Saturday which gives those residents who did not originally receive a letter another week to comment on the plans.

Some social media users have commented that this still is not enough time for those who do not have online access or would prefer to comment in a letter.

Local Labour Councillor for Canton, Stephen Cunnah, said that there had been a problem with the distribution of the letters but he will do his best to answer any concerns from the people of Lansdowne Road.