Local people are angry after the amount of dog waste in Penarth. Some have nicknamed the seaside town Poonarth because of the issue.
In the past people have taken to social media and called the town Poonarth. Many have also been complaining on Facebook calling on the council to do more.

Steve Fisher, a dog owner, moved to Penarth 18 months ago and is shocked with the amount of dog waste in the area.
“Some people don’t take it seriously enough because the fines are not enough but there is no excuse, if you’re a dog owner you should have poo bags with you”
He’s not alone and many other local people agreed. Comments included:
“More bins definitely need replacing. They’re taking loads of bins away rather than putting extra bins in. 100% there should be a shout out”
Another local person said that “I find bags of poo hung up in trees and bushes and i don’t know what those people think they’re achieving, it’s just stupid”
And those who don’t own a dog are also calling for change:
“As somebody who doesn’t own a dog I still believe that dog owners should be responsible for the animals they have with them”
In a statement by Penarth Living Street, an environment group, said that “The issue of dog waste is one that can be tackled by both residents and local authority” they added that “it should be made a priority for the council as it is one of the most basic of public services”
Vale of Glamorgan council said that they have the power to stop and find people who leave dog waste in the area. But after talking to people who live locally, it’s obvious more needs to be done.