Plunge team recording with Professor Mike Tipton on Zoom for Deep Dive episode one

Deep Dive: The Temperature Episode

What is the ideal plunging temperature? Join us as we tackle the myth surrounding cold-water temperature

Deep Dive, presented by Plunge magazine, is your podcast for all things cold-water therapy. We will be busting cold water myths, speaking to experts and answering your questions.

This episode of Deep Dive explores the myth surrounding cold-water temperature. Do we really need to be going into freezing cold water? To help us tackle this myth, we are joined by Professor Mike Tipton, an expert in cold-water immersion. Mike has spent 40 years researching physiological responses to extreme environments and isn’t afraid of the cold himself. 

Our hosts for this episode Becky George (Content Editor) and Eve Davies (Deputy Content Editor) sat in the recording booth.
Becky and Eve in the recording studio

Read more about Mike and his research here.