A thick slice of Fat City

Cardiff’s craftiest music night is back!

'Fat City' revellers enjoy a night of soul, funk and mask-making.

After a summer hiatus, ‘Fat City’ is back to deliver a warming dose of chicken soup for the soul, in the form of funk, reggae and crafts.

On Tuesday 25 October, Cardiff’s favourite boutique bar, GwDiHw, will resume its duties as the liquor-dispensing host to ‘Fat City’ – a night that marries the opportunity to shake it to the sound of world music, with getting your hands covered in paint, glue and glitter in their craft competitions.

DJ Gareth Ludkin is also co-founder of the monthly operation. He said, “Fat City is distinctive in Cardiff, because it’s craft infused and funk inspired.”

If you want to inject some colour into your week and paint the town red, then get crafty to the ‘Fat City’ beat.