Rubbish art: great idea or waste of time

An exhibition exploring the use of rubbish raises some interesting issues

The last few years have seen an increasing emphasis on environmental issues and recycling, but would you go so far as to make art out of rubbish?  Artists at an exhibition ‘Is it Art or Rubbish?’ held in Milgi, City Road, last weekend, did just that.

The artists used junk dumped in nearby Northcote Lane to question our current consumer-centred, throw-away culture.  For instance, instead of cementing a crack in the wall, the artist inserted silver coloured shards of plastic to create a design feature out of the eyesore.

Shards of silver plastic make a design feature out of a crack in the wall

So, could there be a future for rubbish art?  A local resident who attended the exhibition believes there could be, claiming, “This art could be helpful as it is an interesting and useful form of recycling.”