Rising food costs vox pop: how are you coping?

South Wales residents respond to rocketing food prices

Welsh consumers will feel the pinch as food costs reach a three year high, according to a new report.

Figures released by The Institute for Fiscal Studies last week show food prices in September were up 6.4% on last year, putting increased financial pressure on Welsh households.

Escalating food costs, along with soaring fuel bills, rising unemployment and lacklustre wage increases, have left some families struggling to pay for essentials.

Ian Purcell, co-founder of Cardiff Foodbank, said: “There’s no doubt that increasing fuel bills and increasing food costs are having an effect. Across the network we’re seeing an increase in the number of people who are coming to the foodbank and yet may be working; so they’re finding that their salary is not sufficient to cover their needs at this particular time.”

How have inflated foods prices changed the way you shop? We ask the people of South Wales.