Roller derby welcomes all comers

Cardiff’s roller derby team is now open to any girl who wants to try a very alternative sport

The Tiger Bay Brawlers in action. Photo by Simon Ayre

If you’re a girl who’s ever fancied a combination of roller skating at speed and physical contact, then your luck is in: the Tiger Bay Brawlers have just opened their Rec League. 

This means that women of any age, skating ability and fitness are now welcome to join sessions, helped by more experienced members of the team. These sessions began in October, and given their popularity they will become weekly in November. 

Rec League coach Peril Flynn described how this new system means everyone’s encouraged to progress, but at their own speed; nobody gets held back, and nobody gets left behind. 

She also warns, “It only takes one session to fall in love with skating; roller derby can become a big part of your life.”