Cardiff gets tips on 2013 music expo

Planning for WOMEX 2013 has been inspired by Copenhagen 2011

Millennium Centre

The Wales Millennium Centre will host evening events

 After beating other international cities to host WOMEX 2013 in Cardiff the team behind the bid attended WOMEX 2011 in Copenhagen last week and came back inspired.

Cardiff will host WOMEX 2013 from Wednesday 23 October to Sunday 27 October 2013. Other shortlisted cities included Glasgow and Dublin.

Lisa Matthews, the managing director of the Welsh Music Foundation says the team can now concentrate on putting the event together and getting more organisations and artists involved. “Copenhagen had a programme called ‘Around’ that involved street parties and tours leading up to WOMEX, so we need to look at how we’d to this in Wales. In many ways, that is the most important part.”

It is hoped the event will promote Welsh music internationally.