Chick flicks for charity

Grab the girls and enjoy some classic chick flicks this November, all in aid of the Prince’s Trust

Great films and tasty treats for charity





This month, screenings of three popular chick flicks are on show at Cineworld, raising money for the Prince’s Trust Million Makers.

Hugh James solicitors have entered a team into the corporate fundraising competition, hoping to raise £10,000.

Dirty Dancing, Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Sex and the City complete the film lineup. Sally Baker, a member of the team said, “We wanted to capture all tastes and generations across three films. Cupcakes are available to buy on the evenings too.”

Apart from the screenings, the Hugh James team are running cupcake decorating, a Bollywood night, and a poker evening among other events.  

The night promises to be a fun evening for a great cause, and provides the chance to see your favourite chick flick films on the big screen.