Get quilting to get together

Quilting Club offers a creative way to meet new people

Quilting can offer an alternative way to meet new people.

 St Fagans: National History Museum will once again host their Quilting Club giving you the chance to get together and get crafty this winter.

The museum will hold the 90 minute session which gives both beginners and experienced quilters the opportunity to get creative with a needle and thread.

The bi-monthly club will meet on 7 January and invites people to either bring a project or start something new under the guidance of quilter Samantha Jenkins, founder of Cardiff’s Yarn and Yarn sewing club.

Speaking to Girl meets Blog, founder Sian Lile said, “I felt the quilting club would be ideal for St Fagans. It’s an activity aimed at all ages, something informal and fun as well as a chance for people to get together and socialise.”