Vox Pop: Abandoned shopping trolleys

Shopping Trolleys

Supermarkets must keep their trolleys under lock and key to avoid fines

Cardiff Council are set to approve plans to fine supermarkets £75 for their abandoned shopping trolleys in an attempt to reduce fly-tipping in the city.

The Abandoned Shopping Trolley Policy, championed by Cardiff cabinet member for the environment Ashley Govier, aims to deal with the increased number of dumped trolleys by forcing supermarkets to take greater responsibility for them. The £75 fine will cover the cost of removing, storing and disposing of each trolley removed by the council.

The policy is set to be controversial, having already been criticised by the Welsh Retail Consortium for “victim-blaming”. Local Co-Op worker Haydn Christopher believes the decision “Isn’t fair on smaller supermarkets that don’t have the staff available to go looking for trolleys.”