Who will be the Last Mic Standing?

Last Mic Standing is an open microphone knockout tournament held weekly at Ten Feet Tall. The competition is set to continue until a single act emerges victorious.

The tournament, which has been running since September, is currently in the second round with a number of acts already knocked out and some clear favourites emerging.

The tournament gives any live act the chance to perform and compete. The organiser of the event, Sean Knox, said, “We’ve had bands, poets, stand-ups, improvs, singer-songwriters, rappers, beat-boxers and a clown with a guitar.”

RIck ImP delivers his inimitable routine in Round 2, Heat 1.

More information about the tournament including the dates of the events and the acts still in the competition can be found on the Last Mic Standing Facebook page. The next round takes place 25 October.