Sherman Cymru stages Llanast!

Welsh-lingual plays are not common in literary circles, but the Sherman Cymru Theatre is showing its support of Welsh arts this week as it stages Bara Caws’s Llanast! 

The newly renovated Sherman Cymru façade

The original, French play Le Dieu de Carnage, depicts the fortunes of two sets of parents that have concerns over their respective sons, and was recently given the Hollywood treatment, starring Kate Winslet and Jodie Foster.

“I am a great believer that plays should be available in any country’s mother tongue,” says artistic director Betsan Llwyd. “If a play is presented in your first language evocations of words and phrases can resonate more deeply.

“It’s a fantastically crafted piece of work, and I’m very proud that Bara Caws has translated and produced the first Welsh language production.”