Arts centre to host award-winning documentary


Matti Kohonen from Oxfam International will be on hand after the screening for a Q&A session and tax justice campaigners will be offering an informal workshop.  Image © The UK Gold.

Matti Kohonen from Oxfam International will be on hand after the screening for a Q&A session and tax justice campaigners will be offering an informal workshop.
Image © The UK Gold.

An award-winning documentary that exposes the impact of global tax avoidance on developing countries will be screened in Cardiff.

‘The UK Gold’ will be shown at Chapter Arts Centre on Saturday 16 November, as part of a nationwide film tour organised by Action Aid, Christian Aid and Oxfam.

The film explores the City of London’s role in the tax avoidance industry, which robs poor countries of an estimated $160 billion a year. 

Mari McNeill, Christian Aid coordinator for South East Wales, said: “Campaigners across Wales played a huge role this year in pushing for tax justice and transparency during the Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign – we’re really excited to be showing this film in Cardiff as part of the UK tour.”
