By gum! Three quarters of Welsh capital’s Gumdrop bins torn down

Three quarters of Cardiff’s pink chewing gum bins have been torn down or gone missing, just three months after being installed.
Cardiff council placed 100 of the Gumdrop bins in the bustling city centre in August 2013. However, Grangetown councillor Ashley Govier revealed at the 21 November council meeting that 75-80% of the bins had disappeared, saying: “People are clearly taking them for souvenirs.”
He also disclosed that the city’s administration was having to rethink the strategy, stating: “Whilst the Gumdrop bins worked well in Cardiff’s surrounding suburbs, the manufacturer’s design requires adaptation in order to withstand vandalism in such a busy environment.”
The surviving bins will remain in place for four more weeks, after which the council will assess whether they succeeded in reducing the amount of gum on the streets of the Welsh capital.
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