Dementia sufferers embrace therapeutic art

Norwegian Church champions dementia sufferers art

Norwegian Church champions dementia sufferers art

Artwork produced by dementia sufferers and their carers will be showcased from 13 to 19 October at the Norwegian Church Art Gallery, overlooking the Cardiff Bay barrage. 

The paintings, drawings and craftwork provides the carers and dementia sufferers an artistic therapy to express their identity. The company running the event, Solace Cardiff, champions the artistic rights of dementia sufferers. They do not indicate who the work was produced by, so it is open to interpretation. 

Helen Joy, the Art Facilitator from Solace describes how, “A degenerative condition should demonstrate deterioration. But this exhibition shows the opposite”. 

“It shows the public how important it is to people to have freedom to be themselves, to express themselves.”

The exhibition is free and offers everyone the chance to open their eyes to Art in Dementia.

Art in dementia poster