Scratch the surface of Cardiff Hip-Hop

In two years, the Hip-Hop crew Dope Biscuits, have become well known names within Cardiff’s scene. But according to Ferny Mac and DJ Brave Toaster, it is not the easiest genre to play in the Capital. .

Most musicians cut their teeth playing pubs but according to Toaster, Hip-Hop is generally not liked in these establishments claiming, “You’re lucky to even get a DJ playing a weekend slot.”

But according to the two musicians, the great thing for anybody wanted to get involved in Hip-Hop is the inclusive nature of the shows. Toaster described how during shows anybody, “can just jump up and grab the mic.” Ferny also added that many of the people in the scene give you a great deal of support when starting out. 

When asking the group, where there was to play, they began to discuss various squat shows they had played both in Cardiff as well as further a field. Toaster explained that these show was always the best way to showcase material as those attending had done some research to find the venue and they were all there for the music. So although Hip-Hop is often pushed to the sides by mainstream establishment, the underground scene is alive and kicking. 



Standing up for Cardiff Hip-Hop. Ferny Mac (left) and DJ Brave Toaster (right).

Standing up for Cardiff Hip-Hop. Ferny Mac (left) and DJ Brave Toaster (right).