Local talent to be filmed for mini-doc

The documentary will allow local bands and artists to showcase their talents. Photo courtesy of TOM8115 on flickr.com.

The documentary will allow local bands and artists to showcase their talents. Photo courtesy of TOM8115 on flickr.com.

A Cardiff based film production company is set to record a live docushow about an open mic night.

Roll Your Own Productions will film the half hour programme on 12 November in The Vaults in Cardiff Bay.

They are currently looking for bands and artists to perform and have already had applications from a wide range of genres including metal, hip hop and mellow pop. 

Paul Simmonds of Roll Your Own Productions says they hope the show will be picked up by Made in Cardiff TV. 

But if this does not happen the documentary will be broadcast online.

Paul says, “It’s great to be giving a platform back to local talent.

“Hopefully it will raise the company’s profile as well as the performers’.”