Happy birthday Mr Sax

This Month royal welsh collage of music and drama mark the celebration of 200 years since the birth of the saxophone’s inventor.

The bicentenary concert dedicated to Adolphe sax inventor of the saxophone, highlights the progression made by music involving the saxophone over the years. The night is set to include solos by John Cooper, Lara James, Gerard McChrystal plus special guest artist Amy Dickson. 

Alice Atkinson at RWCMD said, “Amy Dickson’s wealth of knowledge will be invaluable to the aspiring saxophonists. We are all very excited to be having such a prolific artiste performing in our fantastic arts venue, and the opportunity to accompany her in the Wind Orchestra as she plays two saxophone concertos.”

As well as Amy Dickson the college have organised a Pre-concert where you bring your saxophone to take part in a massed saxophone foyer performance and get £2 off your concert ticket.

