Cardiff Character: Nicholas Richardson

Supplement shop-owner Nicholas Richardson came up with the idea of opening a store earlier this year. Inspired by his brother’s protein Probake cookies, Nic witnessed a growing demand for such products in the Cardiff area. He now sells the Probake cookies in his store amongst hundreds of other supplements.

Nicholas Richardson offers supplement advice at #Gainz

Nicholas Richardson offers supplement advice at #Gainz

The business has been built up from Nic’s distribution company supplying Fitness, Crossfit & Bodybuilding gyms throughout South Wales. Nic, 35, has always been passionate about sport. He played rugby up to youth, went to the gym for a few years and then specialised in kickboxing and Muay Thai. “I was into Mountain Biking and running too,” he says. “Then, as I found Crossfit, everything else chipped off and Crossfit became my main focus.”

Nic came up with the idea of calling the shop #Gainz, as supplements are relatable to the gaining of muscle. “My thought process was that, everything out there at the moment is based on acronyms, especially fitness products,” explained Nic. “I wanted to think of something good, one word, #Gainz. The marketing would therefore be done for you too.”

Strong vs Skinny
Although most of the customers who visit Nic’s shop are male, he has seen an increase of women coming into the shop to seek advice on supplements, training and diets. He has noticed a trend developing which he puts down to Crossfit.

“There is an emphasis on strong vs skinny,” says Nic. “Women are using weightlifting to develop glutes and shape in their legs. Some girls are actually complaining about losing too much weight.” He has noticed that many women are now seeking advice and products to help maintain weight instead of losing it.

There is still a common misconception that supplements will make women bulky. Nic believes that this is down to people associating protein with bodybuilding and steroids. However, the main role of protein is to repair muscles damaged during training and protein actually increases fat loss as it metabolises fat and is used as an energy source.

Women’s training is developing and changing. Nic has noticed that “It is becoming more about weights than running and cardio. Synonymous with this, women are becoming more educated about protein and supplements.” Companies such as PHD and Musclepharm have even released women specific products.

The whole fitness market is growing, however, it is hard to find individual product advice on the internet. Nic has seen a steady increase in customers seeking advice on personalised supplements. “Nobody is afraid to ask for help with choosing protein. This is good as I can help them choose the right product for them. I take into consideration their diet and training regime,” said Nic.

So what would products would he recommend to women? “I’d suggest protein isolates, BCAAs and even diet whey as I do think it’s a good product. Other products such as greens powder, coconut oil and almond butter are also great for maintaining general health.”

For more information visit, 02920 641169,