Affordable art show at Cardiff Gallery

Cardiff School of Art and Design’s Affordable Art Auction will provide art from talented students at prices that won’t break the bank.

CSAD students preparing their work for the auction

CSAD students preparing their work for the auction

The event will consist of work from 52 Fine Art students and 10 staff members with a diverse selection on offer, ranging from photography, print, painting, drawings and video.

Event organiser, Miriam Davies is upbeat prior to the occasion, stating, “This will be the first time g39 host such an event so we’re hoping for two really exciting nights and lots of interest in the work.”

The bidding for the blind auction starts at £10 with the aim to promote the students’ summer degree show.

The opening night will take place on the 3 December at 6.30pm and will be open between 4 and 12 December for anyone to submit bids. The final bids will be collected at 6.30pm on 12 December.