Active Travel gives voice to cyclists

Cyclists are being offered the chance to have their say on planning cycle routes.

Cardiff Council is asking cyclists for feedback on its Active Travel Network and draft mapping of existing cycle tracks.

The feedback hopes to highlight ways to improve cycling facilities and future cycle routes as part of the Active Travel Act 2013.

Gavin Lewis, a member of the Cardiff by Bike community, said: “The Act introduced design guidance and it has become apparent that not much of Cardiff’s existing infrastructure is up to standard.”

Whilst Jenny Malone, creator of Cardiff Cyclist, said, “It is my understanding that cyclists here often feel unheard and under-valued as road users. We are really pleased that Cardiff Council want to amplify the voice of the cycling community and keen to see progress”.

“One thing I hear time and again”, said Mr Lewis, “is that we don’t have a good, quiet route to travel east/west. Travelling to Pentwyn to Cardiff is on-road, as is Culverhouse Cross to Cardiff”.

Ms Malone said, “Particular routes that we would love to see improved include Crwys Road, a road very popular with cyclists. A number of cyclists (including myself) have been knocked off by speeding motorists in the last few months and there has even been a cyclist fatality this year.”


The cycle track that runs through Bute Park is part of the Active Travel Network in Cardiff.

The cycle track that runs through Bute Park is part of the Active Travel Network in Cardiff.