Spillers stages late nights in museum

Spillers Records are back in Cardiff’s National Museum on 30 October, presenting Late Night Music in the Museum.

Cardiff’s National Museum prepares for Spillers Records Late Night Music in the Museum event.

Cardiff’s National Museum prepares for Spillers Records’ Late Night Music in the Museum event.

Singer Jemma Roper and producer Charlie Francis collaborate to make their live debut as Roundheels. Violinist Mike Dennis and Welsh songwriter Alex Dingley will also entertain the crowds after hours, along with sets from Spillers Records DJs, DJ Ben Jah, and Stereoripe.

Part of the Museums at Night festival, the museum will provide a compelling platform, inspiring artists to continue to craft their futures in the industry.

Grace Todd, co-owner of the Spillers Records praised the festival’s concept: “What better way to ensure the survival of an institute than to make it central to the lives and well-being of the people it serves?”