Cardiff vegans run for sanctuary

Four vegans from Cardiff will be running 5km to raise money for Tower Hill Stables and Animal Sanctuary on World Vegan Day. 

This virtual race allows its runners to run anywhere. But participants must provide GPS proof of their 5km run in order to receive a finisher’s medal.

Judith Oakley

All dressed up with somewhere to go. Judith Oakley, member of the Cardiff Vegans group, in action at a previous race

The race is being hosted by the UK Vegan Runners group, and will take place on 1 November. All the money raised will be sent to the Tower Hill Stables and Animal Sanctuary in Asheldham, Essex. The sanctuary provides a home for over 400 rescued animals.

Secretary of the UK Vegan Runners group, Nicola Cowee, said, “The sanctuary is a place for farm animals to live out their life in comfort rather than be sent to the slaughterhouse or worse.”