Big band brings music of the ages

It can be hard to imagine people from several different generations sharing a room and all enjoying the same music, however, one group in Newport is able to achieve just that.

The South Wales Big Band Society (SWBBS) are a collection of people dedicated to performing and spreading tunes from the swinging 40s to more contemporary pieces of music.

Malcolm Jenkins, the president of the society, says, “We are blessed in South Wales by having a number of first class Big Bands.

“We are very proud to feature the upcoming youth bands of Cardiff University, Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, Cardiff & Vale Youth Band and many more,” he says.

Some younger contributors to the society

Some younger contributors to the society

For those who might be interested but not completely sure about the talent and powerful sound that a big band can produce, the SWBBS opens its doors with a warm welcome to those, young or mature, who wish to get involved, either playing or just listening to the powerful music.

One listener who attended a recent show claimed that they were truly inspired by the passion behind young up and coming musicians, who play a significant part in driving the society forward.

The Big Band performs various genres of music; such as jazz orchestra and special gala nights, as well as flight and other big band sounds from the 40s onwards.

People of varying ages who attend the big band events share an appreciation and interest in the style of music; the age difference can be so significant that someone dancing could be sharing the floor with someone double or even half their age.

The society exemplifies how separate generations of people can still be brought together and bond over common interests.

Talking about young musicians, Malcolm says, “The standard of the University and Youth bands are absolutely amazing. The future is safe in their hands.”