Jacob’s Antiques hosts poetry event

The Cardiff Poetry Experiment will return to Jacob’s Antiques on 10 November The aim of the event is to curate a space to listen and discuss contemporary poetry. Not simply a poetry reading, the event is a gathering place, a relaxed setting participate in and to value the lexica of the experimental.

Cardiff poetry Experiment in action. Credit: Cardiff Poetry Experiment

Cardiff poetry Experiment in action. (Credit: Cardiff Poetry Experiment)

The event will feature both emerging and established writers from across Wales and beyond, from award-winning authors to poets blending techniques from powerful art and writing movements. Writers Eleanor Perry, Anthony Mellors and Juha Virtanen will take to the stage to perform their poetry to the audience.

Event organizer, Wanda O’Conner said “The Cardiff Poetry Experiment, whose objective is to open wide a space to engage contemporary poetry.”

The event will situate innovative poetry from a range of traditions and attracts a wide-ranging audience of students, the wider public, scholar, poets and artists either currently practicing or interested in developing their work.

The event invites attendees to add their own voice at the after – reading, an integral part of each event, as the writers engage in discussion of their own poetry and poetics. “Not only do we want to provide a welcome space to listen to contemporary poets but to open up a space where everyone can respond to poetry,” said Wanda.

Recently Cardiff has been upping its game when it comes to poetry. Wales has a history of innovative arts practice that remains relatively unknown. “New writing and performance collaborations, gallery experimentations and exciting poetry is being written, not only read, in Cardiff” Wanda said.

Cardiff poetry Experiment is a series of events organized and run by Calum Gardner, Wanda O’Conner and Josh Robinson.