Coffee pop-up has new home

Corner Coffee’s new location on High Street adds to Cardiff’s impressive indie coffee scene and showcases roasters from around the UK

Corner Coffee offers speciality coffee from roasters around the UK

A Cardiff-based coffee pop-up has opened a new permanent location in the city offering speciality coffees to its customers.

Corner Coffee has made its new home on High Street and aims to give customers a taste of speciality coffee from indie roasters from around the UK including local brands Coal Town and James Gourmet Coffee.

Prior to the opening, the team has hosted pop-up charity events in Canton and have even been hired for the occasional wedding – though mainly for espresso martinis.

Founder Chris Corner said setting up in Cardiff was important as there are already recognised speciality coffee scenes in Bristol and Bath and the uptake can be slightly slower in Wales, although places like Little Man and Hard Lines coffee are paving the way.

“The reception so far has been really positive. We see customers returning all the time which is a great feeling because you know you’re definitely doing something right,” said Chris.

“People have even said it’s one of the best flat whites they’ve had in Cardiff so that’s great to hear. We’re really passionate about what we do and it makes me proud of what we’ve created.”

The shop began its life as a pop-up holding events in Cardiff before making its home on High Street

The shop’s launch has come at the perfect time with Cardiff being recognised as a city of coffee drinkers and research from Honest Coffees shows that coffee shops make up 46% of drinking establishments.

Wyatt Cavalier, founder of ethical coffee supplier Honest Coffees said: “Independent coffee shops are leading the way, as many people these days are searching for somewhere with a bit more character than your typical chain.

“It’s no surprise to see a vibrant and sociable city like Cardiff at the forefront of this, with the area around Queen Street and Central station heaving with options for anyone looking for a quick caffeine fix!”