Broadway Dance wins big

Meet the Cardiff team who danced their way to seven awards in York

Cardiff’s Intermediate Jazz team before their performance in York, photo credit Katie Elgie

A Cardiff dance team have just secured seven awards in a competition held in York this Sunday.

The team, Broadway Dance, won first place in the Advanced Tap Dance category, and placed 2nd and 3rd in six other categories.

The competition saw Cardiff’s team compete against dancers from the hosting University, York, along with teams who had travelled from Glasgow, Bradford, Bangor and Lancaster.

Broadway Dance, who have been competing in inter-university competitions for three years, are linked to Cardiff University but offer membership and classes for the public as well as students.

The classes cater to all abilities of dance, from beginners to advanced performers, and offer classes in styles including Ballet, Tap, Modern, Irish and Street Dance.

Gabriella Amos, Broadway Dance’s president, said that the competition was a huge success and a brilliant chance for Cardiff’s dancers to meet like minded, creative performers. Gabriella explained,

“Although the competition was competitive and challenging throughout the day, the hosts of the competition provided brilliant hospitality and we were surrounded by a friendly and supportive environment.”

“Winning is always an incredible experience, and the feeling of holding the 1st place trophy is like no other – it made the last minute rehearsals all worthwhile.

“I am extremely proud of every single dancer and choreographer who attended the competition.”

The Broadway Dance Team after the awards ceremony on Sunday, photo credit Katie Elgie

Rosie Fleming, a member of Broadway’s committee and an audience member on the day of the competition, said that Cardiff’s Trio routine, ‘Steam Heat’,  was a highlight of the day.

“Watching Broadway perform at York was amazing” Rosie explained.

“The competition was extremely tough this year, with each team bringing their most talented dancers.

“All the dancers competing for Cardiff performed amazingly and rose to the occasion.

Each win was very well deserved.”

Timia Raven-Gregg, another committee member and competitor in the competition, explained that walking away with some of Broadway’s biggest achievements to date made the early journey to York and weeks of training worthwhile. She said:

“We were all exhausted but had an absolutely fantastic time participating.

“There was also the added bonus of walking away with one of Broadway’s biggest wins yet, as well as one of our trios placing 2nd out of a massive 12 dances.

“We look forward to our next competition in February, where we hope to continue our success.”