How Alcoholics Anonymous and fellowships alike have risen to the occasion making certain lockdown restrictions will not prevent them from protecting those most vulnerable

From Skype sessions with 40+ members to one-to-one daily phone calls, Alcoholics Anonymous and other alcohol recovery groups in the Cardiff area have proved nothing can stop them from supporting their members in a time of crisis.
In May, Public Health Wales stated that meetings for recovery support could still go ahead as long as numbers were restricted.
Fearing a limit on numbers could mean turning people away, AA moved meetings to an online service overnight. While Recovery Cymru introduced the hashtag #stillconnected and immediately ramped up their Telephone Recovery Support.
AA went from 28 face to face meetings a week to 40 on Skype. Recovery Cymru also moved all meetings online, from mindfulness and relaxation sessions to fun and social lockdown challenges.
For AA, the transition online has seen an increase in participation numbers and a stream of newcomers embracing the online service. AA’s Wales and Borders regional secretary, Terry B said for some, it’s easier. “Members who are unable to attend physical meetings everyday due to work or family circumstances are able to attend online meetings more often.” She explained.
Recovery Cymru’s team member Andrew Sims said that the numbers have, “Increased exponentially!” He said, “People have used the lockdown to really get a handle on the issues they were dealing with, with the time and space to do so.”
Technology not your bag?
Terry noted that “a small number of members will not use online platforms for their own reasons.” However, AA Keeps in touch with these members via phone on a daily basis, which is working too.
At Recovery Cymru they’ve “Provided our volunteers with the tech that allows them to continue support and maintain regular telephone calls with those who are less technically minded.”
Andrew Sims believes the community will continue to, “adapt and thrive” in light of new lockdown developments.
Available Helplines
- Recovery Cymru Mob: 07949 069688
- Recovery Cymru Email:
- AA South Glamorgan inter-group
- Cardiff City Council Drugs & Alcohol team 029 2078 8300