The Welsh capital’s biggest festive run is back, hosted by Calon Heart Screening and Defibrillators, and the proceeds will go towards lifesaving medical measures

The Santa and Elf Dash will take place at Cardiff Bay on 5 December, so run, walk or dance for a good cause. Hosted by Welsh charity Calon Heart Screening and Defibrillators, the event will raise money for lifesaving medical procedures, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training and the installation of defibrillators.
If you’re looking for an excuse to dress up like it’s Christmas already, this 5K run presents the perfect opportunity.
While it isn’t necessary to turn into Santa, his little helpers, or even a reindeer, it is encouraged. The festivities begin at 10am, and the dash starts at 12pm from Roald Dahl Pass.
Charity director Sharon Owen says through this event it hopes to collect funds to continue its work. She say, “We want to raise awareness about cardiovascular diseases while allowing people to have fun.”
According to the British Heart Foundation, only 1 in 10 people in Britain survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The lack of CPR training and absence of defibrillators in public spaces has contributed to this figure. The Resuscitation Council notes that over 38% of UK adults are unaware of essential CPR skills.
Since its inception, 73,000 people have been given CPR training, and 5,500 have been screened
The weekend will mark the tenth anniversary of the run. Sharon notes that 1,700 people will be attending the event. Since its inception, 73,000 people have been given CPR training, and 5,500 have been screened. However, because of lockdown, not as many people were screened.
“Covid-19 is serious but people are dying of underlying heart conditions that could have been detected had all services not been stopped,” says Sharon. “Covid-19 is only tenth on the list when you compare it to heart disease and cancer.”

Last year, the event was virtual as people ran around their gardens. This year, for £10 per ticket, or four for £30, make the most of your weekend by signing up today.
What to do if you witness a cardiac arrest
Disclaimer: These steps have been provided by the British Heart Foundation. If you witness a cardiac arrest, it is imperative to call 999 and start CPR immediately. Please remember to continue administering CPR until a professional arrives, or the person shows signs of consciousness (opening eyes, breathing, speaking, coughing). The infographic was designed by Nikita Achanta.