Feminist society uses art to combat the intimidating presence of anti-abortion campaigners in Cardiff and spread positive messages about accessible sexual health services

Trigger warning: Mentions of Abortion
Cardiff is not immune to the rising presence of anti-abortion groups and protests, who return throughout the year to intimidate women accessing BPAS abortion services in the city centre and campaigning outside Cardiff University’s Student’s Union.
The Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR UK) have been plaguing the Cardiff public for many years, with large graphic images of supposedly aborted foetuses and offering advice on saving unborn children.
The Feminist society at Cardiff Student’s Union had enough of CBR’s presence and anti-abortion protests outside the university and pulled together an inclusive art evening.
Using art to advocate the activist claims for abortion. Watch now:
When speaking with the feminist society’s president, Bethany Magennis-Prior, 22, she shared what the feminist committee had been hoping to achieve from their inclusive art evening.
An evening of creativity
Collaborating with the CUSU women’s officer, the inclusive art night was a chance for members of Cardiff university, the feminist society and general public, to come together and create beautiful art to contrast with the pro-life graphic images.
Bethany explained, “People made posters, handouts and poems to give out to people when the pro-lifers were there, to keep for themselves, or for our International Women’s Day event that we are hoping to hold in March.
Abortion care is legal – and women deserve to access it without fear of being targeted in the street.”
Molly Boydon, BPAS spokesperson
When asked where they were hoping to display their art, Bethany mentioned their plan to tackle the protestors next time by taking the collaborative banner, that had been made at the pro-choice art night and standing opposite the anti-abortion protestors. There would be no intention to engage or argue with the anti-abortionists but to clearly present a peaceful opposition to their messages.
She said, “This is so that when people walk past they can look at our beautiful art instead of their falsified images.”

Freedom to choose
Health organisations in Cardiff, such as BPAS, similarly acknowledge the danger of anti-abortion groups and their intimidation for women to access necessary services.
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) is the UK’s leading abortion care service, in which they campaign for female reproductive choices and rights. One of their longest withstanding campaigns “Back Off” resolves to put a stop to the intimidation of anti-abortion groups, that ultimately prevent many women from accessing abortion care services like BPAS.
The decision to end an unwanted pregnancy is a far from easy decision. While it is a legal service in the United Kingdom, many still face this unfair intimidation and debate around their choice to have an abortion.
Molly Boydon, a spokesperson for BPAS, explained, “The presence of these [anti-abortion] groups can be incredibly distressing for clients who often report feeling intimidated, distressed and, in some cases, too scared to get to their appointment.”

Accessible abortion and family planning services are essential to ensuring that people are able to exercise their reproductive choice. Abortion care is legal – and women deserve to access it without fear of being targeted in the street.
The Feminist Society agreed with BPAS’s analysis of anti-abortion groups’ intimidation and the damage they can cause within the locations they target.
One of the biggest issues with them (CBR UK) protesting outside places like Cardiff University main building, the Student Union and the city centre, is that due to their placement, large numbers of people walk past them when they are there, and it causes extreme distress for lots of people.
Empowerment through art
One person who attended the inclusive art evening, Annie Thomas, 21, shared why she got involved with the art evening and what she drew. She said,
“I drew like my body my choice and pictures of uteruses.
“I went because i think it’s important to stop the pro lifers from expressing their hatred.”
When people walk past they can look at our beautiful art instead of their falsified images”
Bethany Magennis-Prior, President CU Feminist Society
Those involved shared their thoughts on how tackling the protesters with art will be effective because art is beautiful and what the anti-abortion protestors are spreading is not.
Bethany concluded, “we hope that people will feel strengthened and empowered in seeing the artwork that we have created, countering their [CBR UK] hatefulness.”
Help is only a phone call away

If you have been affected by anything in this article or are looking for support anyone in the Cardiff area can self-refer to the BPAS Cardiff clinic by calling 03457 30 40 30. You can also access abortion services through your GP.
Other services: Abortion Talk, can provide a safe space to talk about experiences like harassment outside clinics.